jake peralta from brooklyn 99 looking upset with bird feathers flying around

Schemes! Schemes! Schemes!

When Dan and I watch Brooklyn 99 (which we do rather frequently), I am reminded each episode that I am a combination of Amy, Jake, and Hitchcock. For those who don’t know, Hitchcock is a pervert who sexually harasses everyone. Amy is a type-A uptight personality who seeks validation from superiors. And Jake, dear, sweet Jake, is a well-meaning goofball who is always getting everyone … Continue reading Schemes! Schemes! Schemes!

gold pocket watch with "Dad" written on it laying on a wooden surface

Sunday Scribblings – #110 Watch

Happy Sunday, everyone! Every Wednesday, blogging buddy Aaron over at The Confusing Middle posts a “Sunday Scribblings” prompt for other bloggers to ponder and respond to on the following Sunday. If you’re a blogger looking for more inspiration, I highly recommend jumping in and joining in on the fun! This week’s prompt is: Watch! I don’t own many watches…you know, since I have a device … Continue reading Sunday Scribblings – #110 Watch

renata looking at the camera while pretending to eat a giant m&m pink pillow surrounded by chocolate merchandise

Sunday Scribblings – #105 Chocolate

Happy Sunday, everyone! Every Wednesday, blogging buddy Aaron over at The Confusing Middle posts a “Sunday Scribblings” prompt for other bloggers to ponder and respond to on the following Sunday. If you’re a blogger looking for more inspiration, I highly recommend jumping in and joining in on the fun! This week’s prompt is: Chocolate! I was at the bakery on Friday morning picking up breakfast … Continue reading Sunday Scribblings – #105 Chocolate