blue-gloved hand picking out a tub of oatmeal in the grocery store

COVID and My Relationship with Food

TW Eating Disorder As someone who struggles with disordered eating, I am constantly working on my relationship with food. When there are large changes to my routine, like working from home and starting a new job, they can change the way that I interact with food and therefore make me reevaluate my relationship with food. Ever since I started working with my dietitian Kelsey, I’ve … Continue reading COVID and My Relationship with Food

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The Importance of Having an At-Home Office

I’ve been working from home for six months now, and I’m enjoying it far more than I thought I would. When our office first began working from home, I was worried that I would struggle. As an extrovert, would I be able to handle being isolated from my coworkers and friends? Would I still be able to be productive at home? How would I maintain … Continue reading The Importance of Having an At-Home Office